someone who could be considered an IT dunce I was surprised to hear myself
suggesting using a ‘twitter chat’ to raise the issue of sustainability in
nursing education. Social Media is not really my forte but I
am prepared to embrace new technology in an effort to push forward
sustainability issues in healthcare. I think this is really important for a
number of reasons. First, we need to engage with educators, practitioners and
students in new ways, so that we can reach a broader constituency, and secondly
it is important to reduce our own impact on the environment when disseminating
innovation. A paper published in the BMJ in 2007 suggests that there
is limited learning to be had by attending conferences with is limited evidence
to suggest that attending conferences leads to more effective medical practice.
The paper goes on to suggest that online distance learning and new technologies
to overcome travel need to be explored.
did think about the paper and consider the issues of carbon emissions etc
before deciding to go to the Royal College of Nursing Education
Conference in
Nottingham early in March. In the end I thought that it was probably important
to be there to raise the profile of the sustainability education in
nursing we
are delivering here at Plymouth. At the conference I was allocated a
‘concurrent session’ which was not as well attended as other sessions! This is,
I think, a sad reflection of the interest and priority climate change and
sustainability are given by my profession. All the more reason to find different
ways of raising the importance of the subject. In spite of the limited
attendance at my session, those present really engaged and were enthusiastic
about what we are doing, which was very reassuring. They were particularly
interested to see how we engage our student nurses in a way that is relevant to
clinical practice, and they were excited about the collaborative
teaching and learning we have embedded in the curriculum. Whilst my presentation
could have been conveyed as a webinar, and indeed, in June I will be delivering
a webinar based on the work
that won a Green Gown Award for Learning and Course one of the benefits of attending
a conference is the networking and discussion that can happen over lunch and
coffee. So my view is that we do need to very carefully consider whether it is
really necessary to travel to conferences and be mindful about the impact on
the environment, whilst at the same time thinking about alternative methods for
dissemination and discussion.
leads me on to the idea for a Twitter chat. Our NurSus
Project team
are keen to engage a wide community and specifically student nurses in the
development of a framework for sustainability literacy and competency in
nursing. We know from the literature, networks and professional organisations
that climate change and sustainability, whilst important in healthcare are not topics that feature in nursing education so we wanted to get some
discussion going about this. We were fortunate to be
able host a wenurses
twitter chat on 24th
March with the aim of reaching a ‘younger and
technically savvy generation’! The topic for discussion was: ‘Should topics about
sustainability and climate change be included in the nursing curriculum?’
this was a fantastic opportunity as it is the first time the ‘wenurses’
community (with over 30,000 followers) has run a chat on sustainability. Our
chat session coincided with NHS Sustainability Day on 26th
March and a Twitter chat associated with that
The build up to the Twitter chat event began a few days
before the event with tweets going out to our followers to tell them it was going to happen and provide the background information
for the chat. By 7pm on the night I was getting very apprehensive; lots of tweets were going out about the chat
to get us ready for the 8pm start. Then it all kicked off with a quick
introduction from the @wenurses team and the NurSus team began with the
question: What is sustainability? Followed
about 15 minutes with: What topics about sustainability and climate change could
be included in nursing curricula? The first 5 – 10 minutes of chat involved
people joining in and saying hello and then the discussion began at a phenomenal
pace! We had 969 tweets in the hour (over 16 tweets a minute!) devoted to this
discussion and tweets continued following the official closure of the chat session.
One hundred and nineteen people participated with a reach of 3,306,296! Many
participants were students and we also engaged other universities, educators,
and environmental activists. Key themes in the discussion about sustainability
in nurse education were: curriculum, resources, waste, plastic, practice, clinical
(see Word Cloud)
at the bottom of the archive page.
I am now convinced that social media is an
important way to engage a community in discussion about things that matter. It
enables academics to test out ideas and get feedback, and can help to influence
our research questions and educational approaches. If you run a Twitter chat,
do remember to have a large cup of coffee by your side as you will need to
react quickly to catch all the threads, I think I managed about 15%! But all is
not lost as the whole chat is archived.
Special thanks to the NurSus team and all the
Plymouth and Jaen University students who participated.
Professor Janet Richardson |
Janet Richardson
Professor of Health Service Research in the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences and member of the ISSR Management Team
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